uForis Happy Holidays 2020 Blog Header

2020, what a year…

Celebrating our 6th anniversary, our team experienced expansive growth this year due to higher demand in virtual real-estate solutions caused by the implications of COVID-19. While we missed seeing our clients and partners in-person, we were able to take a closer look at our services to ensure our quality and process exceeds expectations. At uForis, we strive for excellence by providing the most photo-realistic option in the market – whether it’s for student, multi-family, or senior housing. We’re here to bring your project to life so you lease at an accelerated pace.

This year has kept us busy and challenged us to continually improve – professionally and personally. As we reflect on this past year’s accomplishments, we put together our annual Year in Review that highlights what we’ve been up to; watch below:

This holiday enjoy the small moments with those who matter most, reach out to someone and let them know you’re thinking of them, and allow yourself time to rest and reflect on this past year’s ups and downs.

We have some exciting new services and projects in the pipeline and cannot wait to share them with you all. Thank you for your continued support of uForis – we’ll see you in 2021!